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时间:2016-12-06 09:44:03    来源:中国教育在线    浏览次数:    我来说两句() 字号:TT


  Wellington College简介

  "Wellington College is situated in Crowthorne,Berkshire just to the west of London and 30 minutes from Heathrow airport.

  It was established by Queen Victoria in 1859 as a memorial to the Great Duke who as well as defeating Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo in 1815 was himself twice British Prime Minister.

  It was setup as a‘Royal and religious foundation’and continues to have a royal connection with HRH Queen Elisabeth II visiting on many occasions.

  In 2014 we were voted‘Best Public School’by the prestigious Tatler Schools Guide.

  We are the top IB school in the UK and this Summers exam results were the highest on record

  We now have 3 International schools in China–Wellington College International Tianjin opened in 2011,Wellington College International Shanghai opened in August 2014 and Wellington College Shanghai Bilingual opened in February 2016"

